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Business Owners

Creating a profitable business is incredibly rewarding; we can help reduce the time and energy it takes to build your personal wealth.

Our offering to business owners significantly reduces administration hours while ensuring financial flexibility later in life. Whether your business is in its infancy, experiencing rapid growth or preparing for a transition, Prosperity Wealth + Advice can assist with the next phase.

Commercial & Business Lending

Growth is an exciting time for all business owners. Whether you're looking to acquire a commercial premises, upgrade equipment or assets, or finance your fleet, we can help secure appropriate funding while you develop your business.

Tax planning

While tax minimisation is permitted and encouraged in Australia, tax avoidance is illegal. Ensure your tax strategy avoids tax evasion, minimises your taxable contribution, aligns with your personal and professional goals, and remains within the law.

Personal Insurance

Unforeseen injuries or issues affect your personal life, as well as your business life. Prosperity Wealth + Advice can help safeguard your family and commercial affairs in the event of death, injury and illness.

Business Partner Insurance

Creating a strong working relationship with a business partner provides tremendous benefits. But what would happen if they died? Who would get their share of the business? Every good partnership needs backup; ensure you're protected with Business Partner Insurance.

Growing your superannuation

As a sole trader or business owner, it can be easy to forego personal superannuation contributions when growing your company. But building a strategy to accumulate super should be an integral piece of your retirement plan. Just because you're self-employed doesn't mean you should miss out.

Personal Investments

Diversifying your investment portfolio creates a buffer for the ups and downs. Growing capital outside of your professional life allows you to build wealth that doesn't rely solely on the success of your business.

Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF)

Setting up a self-managed super fund allows you to make investments that serve your retirement tomorrow and your business today. Moreover, Prosperity Wealth + Advice can help you build your nest egg by using your SMSF to purchase commercial property.

Home & Investment loan lending

Taking the time to structure your home and investment loans can maximise tax efficiency. By optimising your debt strategies, we can help you secure a competitive rate and enhance your financial flexibility.

Succession Planning

Transitioning away from your business can be difficult; after all, nobody knows its operations quite like you. Ensure your company is future-ready by strategising a sound succession plan and laying the groundwork for the next generation.

What our clients are saying

Financial Advice is provided by Brett Grocke Authorised Representative No. 1238827 and Prosperity Wealth + Advice Pty Ltd ACN 649 470 646 Corporate Authorised Representative No 1286740 of InterPrac Financial Planning Pty Ltd (AFSL 246638). Credit Advice is provided By Brett Grocke Authorised Credit Representative No. 537255 and of Interprac Finance Services Pty Ltd (ACL 388051).

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